The immortalization in a contemporary art work with stylistic references in the representation of Renaissance art such as baroque or rococo, composes a three-dimensional image in which the elements follow a replacement scheme of the initial order, an ambush that parodies the character's subversive involvement in a reality fanciful, this time configured in a plastic language different from that of flat painting.


Today, people are losing more and more their sentimental accuracy, the vast intelligence of sacredness, the aversion to the truth that resides in one's fellow man and the ignorance of the spiritual goodness that comes through it. Individualism characterized by the concretization of loneliness is an uninspired alternative, dry in joy and interhuman communion, the only attributes that man must fulfill in order to sustain his well-being in life. The pose of the 3D inflatable nude that suggestively replaces the one rendered by the painters of the past centuries, now in the frame of a conscious materialization, challenges the mind to a deep analysis regarding the recognition of human value, of the quality man who is able to offer through the soul or many affective resources.

Waterproof materials, soft or with special reflective luminescent properties, give the works suppleness and place the theme in a mixed industrial-romantic area. The proposed clothing item has a chameleon peculiarity, that of being able to be exhibited as an art installation on the walls of a contemporary gallery.


The scene of actions involving a rhetoric of eroticism has diversified and expanded in recent decades, a sign that the current generations correspond much more directly with their own fantasy literature, heterogeneous, conservative values or traditional ones remaining behind these accelerations in the sphere of everyday conjugal actions.

  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa
  • Carmen Emanuela Popa

GONFLOVE | Carmen Emanuela POPA Model Alexandra Cornei / Location Senat Gallery Bucharest