FUTURE FOLK - an initiative that brings up the traditional costume
The Future Folk project is an initiative of the Alumnus Club UNESCO in Bucharest, co-funded by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN), the Youth Center of Bucharest and the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO.
It also gives great support to the project of the Parliamentary Group of National Minorities in the Chamber of Deputies; Romanian Cultural Institute; National Village Museum Dimitrie Gusti; Greek Union of Romania; The Russian Lipovan Community in Romania; European Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs for UNESCO; Romanian Television, Other Minorities Section; Jewish State Theater; Odeon Theater; Burda Press Group.
Future Folk aims to contribute to the revitalization and promotion of the immaterial cultural heritage of Romania, putting into value the contemporary essentials - the traditional costume. Not only the Romanian costume, but also the traditional costumes specific to the national minorities, perhaps less well-known, but equally valuable.
The theme and message of the project perfectly correspond to the slogan of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 - "Our Patrimony: Where the Past Meets the Future". How can today's young people get these values out of everyday use, how can we keep this inheritance for future generations? There are two questions that try to answer the associations and institutions involved in the Future Folk project.
Carmen Emanuela Popa, PhD in Design at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, is the creator of the original cultural product proposed by Future Folk - an avant-garde collection of fashion design inspired by traditional costumes, a collection that will be launched at the Palace of Parliament on June 20th, and then takes the form of an itinerant exhibition at the Village Museum in Bucharest, Ploiesti and Tulcea. Attention to the symbolism and philosophy behind each object, Carmen Emanuela Popa wants to launch through her creation an invitation to communication, dialogue and understanding between people. It is actually the message of the whole project.
The launching event on June 20th will take place under the High Patronage of the Chamber of Deputies, benefiting from the support of all members of the National Minority Parliamentary Group. It will be opened by actress Maia Morgenstern with a poetry recital, after which the initiator and partners will talk about Future Folk, the designer Carmen Emanuela Popa will present her drawings and the collection of fashion design created especially for this project, and finally will be presented the catalog exhibition and a short presentation film on the concept on which the whole project is based.
FUTURE FOLK – o initiativă care aduce în actualitate costumul traditional
Proiectul Future Folk este o initiativa a Asociatiei Alumnus Club UNESCO din Bucuresti, cofinantata de Administratia Fondului Cultural National (AFCN), Centrul pentru Tineret al Municipiului Bucuresti si Comisia Nationala a Romaniei pentru UNESCO.
Acorda de asemenea un important sprijin proiectului Grupul parlamentar al minoritatilor nationale din Camera Deputatilor; Institutul Cultural Roman; Muzeul National al Satului Dimitrie Gusti; Uniunea Elena din Romania; Comunitatea Rusilor Lipoveni din Romania; Federatia Europeana a Asociatiilor, Centrelor si Cluburilor pentru UNESCO; Federatia Romana a Asociatiilor, Centrelor si Cluburilor UNESCO; Televiziunea Romana, Sectia Alte Minoritati; Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat; Teatrul Odeon; Grupul de presa Burda Romania.
Future Folk isi propune sa contribuie la revitalizarea si promovarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial al Romaniei, punand in valoare prin design contemporan o piesa esentiala a acestuia – costumul traditional. Nu numai costumul romanesc, ci si costumele traditionale specifice minoritatilor nationale, poate mai putin cunoscute, dar la fel de valoroase.
Tematica si mesajul proiectului corespund perfect sloganului Anului european al patrimoniului cultural 2018 – “Patrimoniul nostru: acolo unde trecutul intalneste viitorul”. Cum pot recepta tinerii de astazi aceste valori iesite din uzul cotidian, cum putem pastra aceasta mostenire pentru generatiile viitoare? Sunt doua intrebari la care incearca sa raspunda asociatiile si institutiile implicate in proiectul Future Folk.
Carmen Emanuela Popa, doctorand in design la Universitatea Nationala de Arte din Bucuresti, este creatoarea produsului cultural original propus de Future Folk – o colectie avangardista de design vestimentar inspirat de costumele traditionale, colectie ce va fi lansata la Palatul Parlamentului in ziua de 20 iunie, iar apoi va lua forma unei expozitii itinerante la Muzeul Satului din Bucuresti, la Ploiesti si Tulcea. Atenta la simbolistica si filosofia din spatele fiecarui obiect, Carmen Emanuela Popa doreste sa lanseze prin creatiile ei o invitatie la comunicare, dialog si intelegere intre oameni. Este de fapt mesajul intregului proiect.
Evenimentul de lansare din 20 iunie se va desfasura sub Inaltul patronaj al Camerei Deputatilor, beneficiind de sustinerea tuturor membrilor Grupului parlamentar al minoritatilor nationale. Va fi deschis de actrita Maia Morgenstern cu un recital de poezie, dupa care initiatorul si partenerii vor vorbi despre Future Folk, designerul Carmen Emanuela Popa va prezenta schitele sale si colectia de design vestimentar creata special pentru acest proiect, iar in final vor fi prezentate catalogul expozitiei si un scurt film de prezentare a conceptului pe care se bazeaza intreg proiectul.
Expozitia – performance Future Folk, ea insasi rezultatul unui exercitiu intercultural, se doreste a fi o dovada vie a faptului ca diversitatea este o resursa inepuizabila de inovatie si creativitate intr-o societate in care exista intelegere si respect fata de valorile fiecaruia.