Romanian designer Carmen Emanuela Popa participates with a new collection at LONDON FASHION WEEK. In this season, 19-23 February 2021 she reveal a concept that performs with   interdisciplinary methods of artistic expression. Il Lamento collection talk about how things are never nailed down, that there comes a time when everything goes into dissolution or transforms, as the pandemic context has taught us.

Athletes with their sports suits contorted by contemporary social contexts, the devastation and lamentation of the self, an allegorical form of visual message, a manifesto dedicated to the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, whose works are so congruent in terms of human inner profile from today.

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P h i l o s o p h y

Now everything is a contortion in our lives and each of us is looking for a safe way to live and follow the path of his own becoming.

The collection refers to anxieties, human suffering, which is not always visible, the contortions of our soul should be a theme that crystallizes this evidence in our consciousness and we must be careful when communicating with the other, not to suddenly or offend him because he may already be in a vulnerable land. The kindest world, more art and freedom in the peace message, I think could be the slogan of this collection.

Confusion in the mind of the present man but also a state of extended poetics of escaping from the patterns, a creative process that Picasso proposed in the cultural infrastructure of the 20th century.

The three-dimensional characters, anonymous beings wear oversized and multilayered latex clothing and the industrial worker appears in an ambush of conventional forms, meant to highlight the state of cognitive and sentimental conversion that humanity sometimes goes through.

An interpretation of the picassian universe in a 3D visual formulation with textile materials in juxtapositions from ecological fiber structures and with high-tech, stretch, neoprene surfaces. Multiform sculptural entities, allure that also refer to the sculpture of Pablo Picasso. The painting in severe cough placed on the osmotic surfaces, with an embossed aspect, recomposes a free vibe that artist spoke of in his time, not using the words but only the chromatic paste that composed a mysterious philosophy.

"Il Lamento di Picasso" would be the title of an area of an unwritten work, on the notes of a music with asymmetrical harmonies, in which the characters appear one by one to perform their solo. He deconstructed conventional reality and reason and modulated nature in architecture, a geometrization of states of grace and their setting in a faint scene.

The sculptural characters invite not a lascivious lament but rather an assumed dignity of emotional labor. Gesture hypostases in “Guernica” argue the multiverse torture in which today's society takes part. Reportage-type image tandems depict the loss of control and the ongoing struggle for existence.

But the candor of the character positions the hope of a harmonious reality in a pacifist context, radiating in the note of an investigation of creation, an experimental post-classical fashion formula.


Video | Il Lamento AW 2021